So the time in your young person's current Section is sadly coming to an end, but the exciting time to move up to the next Section is about to begin! We know that starting a new Section can be a big thing for some young people and we also know that as Parents you can have many questions. Below is hopefully some useful information to help you with the transition between Sections and we hope that they have enjoyed their Scouting journey so far and are looking forward to the exciting times ahead in the new Section.
Age Range of each Section
Flexibility around the age they move on?
In the right circumstances, yes. Everyone at Scouts should face a similar amount of challenge, and everyone’s individual needs are always taken in account when making decisions. Generally, our Volunteers will keep to the suggested age ranges, unless young people need a little extra time due to additional needs or exceptional circumstances.
Moving On Awards
The Moving On Awards help ease the transfer of young people between Sections. At the 17th Nene (The Hamptons) Scout Group different Sections have different criteria to earn each badge.
Squirrel Scouts
Complete this award to get to know your new Beaver Scout Volunteer Team, make new friends and get a taste of what Beaver Scouts is really like before the big move, and attend one week of both Squirrel Scouts and Beaver Scouts.
Beavers Scouts
Complete this award to get to know your new Cub Scout Volunteer Team, make new friends and attend two weeks of both Beaver Scouts and Cub Scouts.
Cub Scouts
Complete this award to get to know your new Scout Volunteer Team, make new friends and attend three weeks of both Cub Scouts and Scouts.
Complete this award to get to know your new Explorer Scout Volunteer Team at which ever District Explorer Scout Unit you choose, make new friends and attend four weeks of both Scouts and Explorer Scouts.
Transition Weeks
As part of the Moving On Award and to help with the transition between Sections each young person will do a number of nights where they are to attend their current Section as well as attending their new Section in the same week. Below is the number of transition weeks we offer for each Section;
If both Sections are not both attend in the same week then there is no problem with that but the young person will not have earnt the Moving On Award and will not be presented award when moving up.
Meeting Day and Times
For the meeting days and times of our Sections can be found by clicking on the Section Logo
Venue Location
As you know the 17th Nene (The Hamptons) Scout Group doesn't own its own Headquarters so our Sections meet in different locations across Hampton. For the location of the next Section please click here. |
Contact Information
You can find the email address of your next Section by clicking on the 'Contact Us' button. Please remember that the volunteers will regularly check the Section email account but emails sent on the day on the Section may not get read in time for that evening. |
Uniform, Neckers and Badges
NeckerThe Scout Group Necker you were presented when you were first invested into the Scout Group stays with you through every Section in your Scouting journey with our Scout Group, You will be provided with a new woggle depending which Section or Lodge / Six / or Patrol you are in.
UniformBelow is the new Uniform for the next Section. As the same as the current Section; for Footwear we suggest School Shoes. Please note - No Jeans / Leggings or trainers are allowed at Section meetings unless non uniform is needed or appropriate for an activity – Section Teams will inform you of this when needed.
* Alternative to Scout Trousers - 17th Nene (The Hamptons) allow Black or Grey School Trouser or Skirts (Shorts can be worn following the same rules as trousers) Official Scout Uniform ShopClick on the logos to be taken to the Uniform websites
Following the move to the new Section some of the previous Section Badges can be transferred to the new Uniform. Below is a Badge Position diagram for each Section highlighting which badges are to be transferred and where they go on the new Section Uniform.
Subscription Payments
As you know the 17th Nene (The Hamptons) Scout Group charges £120.00 a year (12 monthly payments of £10.00) no matter which Section you are in. You will have been provided with a four-digit payment reference number (if you joined as a Squirrel Scout it would be 5***, if you joined as a Beaver Scout it would be 2***, if you joined as a Cub Scout it would be 3***). This reference number stays with you thought the Scouting journey with the 17th Nene (The Hamptons) Scout Group and you don't need to do anything to the payments when transferring between Sections.
*If your young person is moving up to Explorer Scouts you will need to cancel your Standing Order with our Scout Group and you will be provide new details from the District Explorer Scout Units regarding their payments.
OSM (Online Scout Manager)

As you know at the 17th Nene (The Hamptons) Scout Group we use OSM (Online Scout Manager) as our administration system, OSM is where you can view the Weekly Programme, Section and Group Events and Badge Records. During the transition weeks the current Section will share your account with the new Section, our Volunteers can see the personal details during the transition and also you should be able to see both programmes. After the transition weeks the current Section will transfer the account over to the new Section, as this point the new Section will need to send you a new link to the Parent Portal for the Programme and Badges to be viewed. If you have not received a link email after they have started at the new Section please do send your new Section a nudge email as with us all being Volunteers it can be quite easy for us to forget to send them.