The Trustee Board is a team of volunteers who work together, as charity trustees, to make sure our Scout Group is run safely and legally. At the heart of their role is a focus on strategy, performance and assurance. Effective Trustee Board governance helps our volunteers deliver fantastic programmes that give young people skills for life.
Charity TrusteesScout Groups in England and Wales are considered charities by law, and some may be registered with the appropriate charity regulator. All members of the Group Trustee Board are charity trustees.
The 17th Nene (The Hamptons) Scout Group is an except charity in its own right and comes under the National Scout Association Charity Number - 306101 To comply with legislation, all charities must have a governing body, which in Scouting we call a Trustee Board. Members of the Trustee Board must act collectively as Charity Trustees of the Scout Group. |
Who's in the Team
Other Volunteers who are automatically Trustees because of their roles in the Scout Group:
- Group Lead Volunteer
Types of Trustees
Nominated members
People nominated annually by the Group Lead Volunteer and approved at the group annual general meeting. These people need not be members of the group scout council and their number must not exceed that of the elected members.
Elected members
Members of the group scout council who are elected annually by the group scout council at their annual general meeting. These should normally be four to six in number. The numbers to be elected must be the subject of a resolution by the group scout council.
Co-opted members
Right of Attendance
- The District and County Lead Volunteer and the District and County Chair have the right of attendance at meetings of the Group Trustee Board
The 17th Nene (The Hamptons) Trustee Board works together to:
Manage money well
Follow Scouts policies and relevant legislation
Look after buildings, insurance and property
Manage risks
Help the charity to operate well, today and in the future
In carrying out the above, Trustees also
Gift Aid is a simple government initiative which allows you to increase the value of your donations at no extra cost to you or your Scout Group. For every pound donated or paid in membership subscriptions to your Group, you can get an extra 25 pence from HM Revenue and Customs, helping your donations go further.
In real terms, this means that if your Group has 90 members paying £120 per year, it would give you a total income of £10,800 per year. Assuming all of the parents/guardians are taxpayers then the potential Gift Aid is around £2,700 per year |